UWA TSA - University of Western Australia Tamil Students' Association

University of Western Australia - Nedlands Campus Tamil Students' Association

Empower through Unity to Strengthen and Preserve Tamil Identity

1. To promote Tamil Cultural events in the University.

2. To serve as a forum where Tamil students, and students affiliated with the Tamil language, culture or people can come together to organize and participate in various different types of events and projects.

3. To serve as an open forum where events that are non-cultural but yet an opportunity to bring Tamils together are organized freely by its members.

4. To restore and maintain the respect that Tamil students have in the university and the community.

5. To help fellow Tamil students and create an inspiring image to encourage younger Tamil students towards their future endeavours.


The TSA serves as a forum where Tamil students, and students affiliated with the Tamil language, culture or people can come together to organize and participate in various different types of events and projects. Whilst, the goal of the TSA shall be to promote the Tamil Culture and Language at every possible opportunity, it shall also be an open forum where events that are non-cultural but yet an opportunity to bring both Tamils and non-Tamils together are organized freely by its members.

Non-profit organization